Meet The Farm Doctor
Livestock vet, farmer, teacher …
Christian, wife, mama …
Amateur florist, 90s pop junkie, chicken nugget addict …
Meet Jenna Kirk, DVM.
Hi, I’m Dr. Jenna!
Welcome To My Vet Truck.
A dependable truck is stocked with everyday equipment and emergency tools. What tools can we add to your truck? Do you have unanswered questions you’d like added to our library? Send me a note!
The Farm Doctor cannot replace your local emergency vet, but we can equip you with knowledge! This site includes:
Does Dr. Jenna Really Know What she’s talking about? Why Ask her?
Don’t trust strangers on the internet! I’m so glad you’re here for a background check before taking any free advice!
My professional credentials include:
Doctor of Veterinary Medicine – University of Minnesota College of Veterinary Medicine
Bachelor of Science, Animal Science – University of Minnesota College of Food, Agriculture and Natural Resources
Active Veterinary License (Multiple States)
Active USDA Accreditation (Category II – All Species)
9+ years of experience vetting all species of livestock, poultry, horses and small animals.
Ok. She’s maybe book-smart. Does Dr. Jenna actually farm anything?
Yes! Click “Get To Know Me”
The Farm Doctor
Bad advice on the internet has killed a lot of farm animals and pets. It’s no secret that many folks would rather ask a neighbor, a friend, or google for help with a sick animal before calling (and paying) a veterinarian for professional advice and assistance.
I get it, I really do. Most animals don’t have health insurance. Mine certainly don’t. Emergency care for any creature – four-legged or human – is expensive. I don’t say this to demonize my veterinary colleagues or the producers who search the web for answers. It’s simply the nature of our current economy and the severe shortage of livestock veterinarians nation-wide. And honestly, there’s a lot you as the producer can manage at home solo, with the right guidance!
What if there was a corner of the internet where you could find animal health answers and how-to’s, without the costly, ineffective and downright dangerous DIY suggestions? This is my vision for The Farm Doctor!
The Farm Doctor will never (and should never) replace the eyes, ears and invaluable skills of your private veterinarian. Instead, I hope this library betters the health of your own farm and empowers you to resist the quick-fix hacks floating around cyberspace. And, of course, I hope The Farm Doctor can help you decide when to call your local vet!
What Does Dr. Jenna Know About Farming?
Though I was not raised on a farm, my career and personal life are deeply rooted in plant and animal agriculture! I am especially passionate about helping new producers succeed in their chosen niche.
My family and I are blessed with 30 acres in grow zone 7A. We raise Katahdin sheep and pasture broilers. Our farm also includes a handful of dairy goats (used mostly for brush control), a small laying flock of Easter Egger and Barred Rock chickens, horses, barn cats, two farm dogs and a “livestock guardian” pet pig.
We grow as much supplemental feed for our animals as possible. Our chickens appreciate sorghum and sunflowers. Grass hay from home is part of our extended farm plan. And a backyard orchard provides apples, pears, peaches and pecans. My tiny humans (4 and 2 years old this year) love fresh veggies from our lawn-turned-garden oasis.
It’s hard to believe I’m approaching a decade in practice! Over the years, I’ve been many different vets … equine ambulatory vet, international export vet, livestock ambulatory vet, and even foreign animal disease vet!
The best part of being any kind of vet is meeting and helping fellow farmers. I love the animals (and always will), but it is YOU – the caretaker, the owner, the grower – who make my job worthwhile. Thank you for feeding and clothing the world!
Follow The Farm Doctor
Dr. Jenna (and Kirk Farm) can be found online … follow along for all things farm life!
Jenna Kirk, DVM
Brian Kirk
Monte Kirk
Tilly Kirk
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